Tuesday, July 1


1976 Elton John was titled the worst dressed man of the year in the USA. I´m not sure how much his glasses had to do with it but surely he´s inspired us through the years with his courage. And it´s been a few frames over the years... In the 70ies they were just as big and eyecatching as Jackie Onassis. In later days they´ve become smaller and often blue or pink glass. The white sunglasses on the Greatest Hits album above have become something like a trademark in his early career.
In ”I’m with Cupid”, which is most about Apu and Manjula, Elton John arrives in a private jet decorated with huge sunglasses. There is apparently also a play with the name Elton John’s Glasses, but it´s weirdly just about football.

1 comment:

  1. Bootsy Collins stjärnglasögon borde kvalificera honom som glasögonikon.

